
Hi Everyone,

This blog may have been created for a class but I hope to use it as a way of organizing information not only for others but for myself as well.

A little bit about me:
I'm a 27 year old Elementary Library Media Specialist teaching classes at 2 schools with a total of over 600 students. After school I tutor fellow teachers on how to use and integrate various technologies into their lesson plans. On Saturdays I work at a shoe store that I have happily been a part of for over 8 years.
Since I work 6 days a week it is difficult to fit hobbies into my extra time. But I guess if working out and nutrition is considered a hobby then it would be mine. I weightlift twice a week and do some form of cardio five days a week. In the past year I have lost over 40 pounds and have become a firm believer that with diet, exercise, and determination that anyone can live a healthier lifestyle. So that is enough about me.

Ready, Set, and Let the Blogging Begin,

Laurel Wing

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blogs, Mashups, and Wikis: Tim O'Reilly's Blog O'Reilly Radar

I really liked this post by Tim even though it is almost a year old.  Points of Control: The Web 2.0 Summit Map talks about and shows a wonderful interactive map highlighting all of the Internet bigwigs and their strategic moves.  The map makes me think of my 8th grade Social Studies teacher and how he made us draw and redraw the European countries boundaries every time one invaded another during World War I and II.  But business is a very strategic game like chess it is especially important to think this way with something  as ever changing as the Internet.  One needs to think two moves ahead of your competitors at all times.  As one begins a foray into a new or less frequently explored aspect another company must either keep up or try to move past them.  He even talks about Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and Google adding features in order to keep up with on another.  I recently read how Twitter is adding its own photo-sharing as well as video and pictures to searching.  Now previously used photo-sharing like Twitpics will have to adapt and add new features or be left by the wayside. The names used for the places that these companies are trying to rule on the map are quite clever and funny.  For instance; Land of Search, Union of Social Networks, Tropical of Bit Torrents, The Platform Plateau, and my favorite Land of Identity.  This post with its interactive map really helped me to better understand the Web 2.0 landscape.  It's a WAR out there!

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