
Hi Everyone,

This blog may have been created for a class but I hope to use it as a way of organizing information not only for others but for myself as well.

A little bit about me:
I'm a 27 year old Elementary Library Media Specialist teaching classes at 2 schools with a total of over 600 students. After school I tutor fellow teachers on how to use and integrate various technologies into their lesson plans. On Saturdays I work at a shoe store that I have happily been a part of for over 8 years.
Since I work 6 days a week it is difficult to fit hobbies into my extra time. But I guess if working out and nutrition is considered a hobby then it would be mine. I weightlift twice a week and do some form of cardio five days a week. In the past year I have lost over 40 pounds and have become a firm believer that with diet, exercise, and determination that anyone can live a healthier lifestyle. So that is enough about me.

Ready, Set, and Let the Blogging Begin,

Laurel Wing

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Debbie Weil's Blog

Debbie Weil's Blog thoughts in her post entitled Why Repetition is In and Blogging is Back really rang true for me.  Her reference to Blogs being longform writing is true.  Blogs are a continuous stream of thoughts and ideas that can be edited, modified, and search by others.  Whereas statuses and tweets on Facebook and Twitter are an ephemeral things to be forgotten.  I personally worry more about what I write in my Blog than what I post on Facebook or Twitter.  This is because in a few seconds the blurb I wrote will be at the bottom of the list of all the other tweets and statuses someone receives.  But my Blog is there to inform and I want what I write to be appealing to my readers as well as the Blog itself to be aesthetically pleasing.  Blogging is like writting another page to a never ending book every time you post.

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