
Hi Everyone,

This blog may have been created for a class but I hope to use it as a way of organizing information not only for others but for myself as well.

A little bit about me:
I'm a 27 year old Elementary Library Media Specialist teaching classes at 2 schools with a total of over 600 students. After school I tutor fellow teachers on how to use and integrate various technologies into their lesson plans. On Saturdays I work at a shoe store that I have happily been a part of for over 8 years.
Since I work 6 days a week it is difficult to fit hobbies into my extra time. But I guess if working out and nutrition is considered a hobby then it would be mine. I weightlift twice a week and do some form of cardio five days a week. In the past year I have lost over 40 pounds and have become a firm believer that with diet, exercise, and determination that anyone can live a healthier lifestyle. So that is enough about me.

Ready, Set, and Let the Blogging Begin,

Laurel Wing

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Media, Old Media

The article on How Blogs and Social Media Agendas Relate and Differ from the Tradtional Press is a great compare and contrast between our newer forms of Social Media to our older print or Traditional Press incarnations. After reading this article it became clear to me that Social Media is in no way replacing the traditional press in content. It is just supplementing the Traditional Press by focusing on what the various users of that particular type of Social Media are interested in. Social Media platforms take on the collective personality of it's users. Twitter is instantaneous and tends to focus on technological news and information. Blogs may tend to overlap with the Traditional Press more often than other forms of Social Media but still not enough to forgo the Traditional Press avenue all together. But if we have specific interests then choosing the news outlet that is tailored to your needs whether it is through Social Media or Tradional Press is of your own choosing. In closing, I think that both new and old medias have a place because they will provide an all encompassing view of the world and the news relating to it.

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